Skin Consultation at Skin Medical

Concerned about fine lines, acne, pigmentation, wrinkles, and redness?

Expert skin consultation

Dr Sabika Karim, founder of Skin Medical has over 2 decades of experience in treating patients in a variety of skin concerns.

Dr Sabika’s approach is underpinned by her expertise in delivering safe treatments with natural-looking results and her innate understanding of each patient’s individual needs. Her unique approach to delivering treatments that unite the science and art of medicine has won her awards and landed her features in both local and international press.

By booking a skin consultation you will reveal the real issues behind your skin concerns.


Whats involved

Whatever its type, colour or description, skin is a wonderfully complex organ. It has so many vital tasks to perform to preserve bodily health such as providing protection from pathogens, a shield to UV rays and a regulator of body temperature. 

Everyone wants to be comfortable and confident in their own skin, but what if that skin is showing signs of ageing and no longer makes you feel as confident in your appearance. Perhaps it is time for a full skin consultation to address anxieties and concerns or to become better informed about the range of technologies and treatments that can keep your skin looking healthy and as youthful as possible.

An initial examination and assessment by the practitioner will give you the opportunity to raise any concerns you have about your skin with an expert and then establish goals and the scope of treatments that may be of interest. A plan of suitable treatments can then be drawn up.

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Personalised treatment

Your skin will need to be free of make-up for the initial examination. Texture, thickness and colour will be assessed which could indicate problems such as acne or skin sensitivity. A skin scanner will be used to indicate if your skin is healthy, dehydrated, oily, congested or has sun damage. A photo record will be kept to show what progress has been made as you proceed with your treatment plan.

To get the best results you will be offered advice on a daily skincare regimen and the best products to use at home. Procedures that may be recommended include chemical peels, microneedling or the use of lasers. If you have a more severe medical concern or a specific medical condition, a consultation will be arranged with a medical practitioner or dermatologist.

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Skin ageing

Decrease in moisture, subcutaneous fat, rate of skin renewal, and collagen levels are among the factors naturally contributing to wrinkling and other visible signs that we associate with getting older. Genetics often determines the extent of these signs and how soon they appear. Damage to elastin and damage from exposure to sun contributes to ageing. The importance of prevention should not be ignored and is easily achievable.

Skin Consultation Frequently Asked Questions

All of the questions you need to ask in a Skin Consultation.

What is the structure of the skin?

Skin has three layers each responsible for important functions: 

  • The epidermis is the outermost layer of skin that contains layers of cells called keratinocytes made from keratin, a protein important in the formation of skin, hair, and nails. These cells are constantly growing outwards until they reach the top skin layer and, eventually, flake off. This continuous process of skin peeling makes skin regeneration possible. A full cycle of skin regeneration takes anywhere from four to six weeks. The epidermis is also responsible for the maintenance of hydration levels in the skin and blocks pathogens and toxic substances from entering the body.
  • The dermis is the second layer of skin situated between the epidermis and the subcutaneous tissue. It contains sweat glands, blood vessels, hair follicles, nerve cells, and is made primarily of collagen and elastin. Collagen provides skin with its durability and resilience. Collagen production requires sufficient levels of vitamin C. By maintaining proper collagen levels, skin plays an important role in preventing premature ageing and wrinkle formation. Elastin plays a major role in skin’s elasticity, but elastin production seems to stop completely as we reach adulthood. Collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid create a bond in the dermis that allows skin to appear youthful and plump. As we age, the amounts of these elements in the skin decrease, which contributes to the signs of skin ageing such as sagging and wrinkles.
  • The hypodermis (sub-cutaneous tissue) contains mostly fat deposits, connective tissue and blood vessels. A sufficient amount and distribution of fat helps maintain the skin’s youthful appearance. 
What is my skin type?

Skin type is usually described as dry, oily, combination, or sensitive.

  • Oily skin: Sebaceous glands secret excessive amounts of sebum. Sebum overproduction is sometimes caused by hormones and stress. This condition, if left unchecked, may lead to acne. Individuals with oily skin are sometimes genetically predisposed to this condition.
  • Dry skin: Skin appears rough and dull. It can be caused by damage to the skin barrier.
  • Combination skin: As the name suggests, the combination of dry and oily skin. The classic T zone is a common example when skin around the nose area and the forehead is oily but other areas are dry.
  • Sensitive skin: Skin sensitivities include conditions such as mild contact dermatitis or severe acne. Rosacea, stinging, blushing, flushing, and burning are all examples of sensitive skin. Excessive nerve growth factor in the epidermis may be responsible in some cases for the heightened sensory reactions to various irritants.

Modern classification now adds other skin characteristics when trying to diagnose and treat skin conditions and suggest appropriate medical solutions. Skin traits such as resistant, pigmented, the tendency to develop hyperpigmentation (not related to skin colour), and tight skin as opposed to wrinkled. All these skin types can often co-exist within the same individual.

What things I have to remember when considering a skincare product?
  • Age-related changes in the body are inevitable.
  • Physical and light damage may be avoided with preventative care.
  • Medical products do not prevent skin ageing regardless of the marketing promises. There is no face cream or any other skin care product that will prevent or undo age-related changes.
  • Natural skin care products such as facial serums, moisturisers and facial oils that are properly formulated can alleviate but not completely get rid of signs of skin ageing.

Take your next step

Contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sabika Karim and learn more about our treatments designed to rejuvenate and refine your features.

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