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Ameela Polynucleotides at Skin Medical

Ameela brings the power of polynucleotides to the skincare industry, offering a revolutionary approach to skin rejuvenation.

At Skin Medical, under the expert guidance of Dr Sabika Karim, we offer Ameela, the latest in Polynucleotide technology for the Face & Body.

What is Ameela?

Ameela’s technology is rooted in the advanced science of polynucleotides. Polynucleotides are long chains of nucleotides, which are the building blocks of DNA. These molecules play a crucial role in cellular repair and regeneration. By harnessing the regenerative properties of polynucleotides, Ameela offers a unique approach to skin treatment that promotes the natural healing of your skin and rejuvenation from within. The manufacturers of Ameela use components of Salmon DNA and refine them through a meticulous process that ensures their purity and efficacy. 

Ameela molecules work by stimulating your skin’s natural repair mechanisms, enhancing cellular turnover, and promoting the production of essential proteins such as collagen and elastin. This gives you firmer, smoother, and more resilient skin. As well as this, Ameela targets oxidative stress and free radicals, fighting inflammation and stress and restoring your body’s natural youthfulness, all with high levels of safety and minimal downtime.

Ameela Polynucleotides Product Range

  1. Ameela Eyes (7.5mg polynucleotides/ml) is indicated for your periocular area, working particularly well against dark circles, puffy eyes, and dehydrated skin. 
  2. Ameela Rejuvenation (20mg/ml) restores elasticity and tone to larger areas of skin such as your face, neck, and hands. 
  3. Ameela Face (25mg/ml) is the perfect choice for improving your face’s smoothness and contouring. It is often used as a post-surgery treatment, as it can help to speed up healing and improve damaged tissues.
  4. Ameela Body (25mg/ml) is the choice for combating skin laxity and for promotion of overall skin quality on your body.

Whats involved in a Ameela Treatment?

Procedure time: 30 and 60 minutes
Number of treatments: 3
Anaesthetic: Local
Side Effects: temporary redness or slight bruising
Results: immediate
Duration of Results: 1 year

More details

Procedure Time Only 30-60 minutes
Recommended number of treatmentsTypically, a three session is sufficient to achieve desired results
ResultsRehydration, skin quality improvement and natural volume restoration
Duration of the ResultsUp to 1 year
Back to workYou can usually return to work on the same day as having treatment
Side EffectsYou might experience mild side effects such as temporary redness or bruising
Treatment PriceAmeela provides high-quality results for c.£400-500 per session

Ameela Polynucleotides Product Information

Ameela products are formulated to provide deep, long-lasting benefits to your skin. Each product in the Ameela line is enriched with high concentrations of polynucleotides, supported by other skin-nurturing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid. This combination ensures that Ameela not only repairs and rejuvenates but also hydrates and protects the skin.

B&A courtesy of Ameela

Frequently Asked Questions about Ameela Polynucleotides

Read through our frequently asked questions about Ameela. Still have questions? Our team will be happy to assist you.

What is Ameela and how does it work?

Ameela is a range of injectables that utilise polynucleotides to repair and rejuvenate your skin. These molecules stimulate cellular repair and enhance collagen production, which will give you firmer, smoother, and healthier skin.

Are Ameela products suitable for all skin types?

Yes, Ameela products are designed to be gentle and effective for your skin type, whoever you are. Each product is tested to ensure it meets high safety and efficacy standards.

When can I expect to see results?

You may notice immediate improvements in hydration and texture after the first use. More significant changes, such as reduced wrinkles and improved skin tone, typically become visible after 3-4 weeks, as the skin’s collagen levels build.

Are there any side effects?

Ameela products are formulated to minimise the risk of side effects. You might experience mild irritation or redness at the site of injection initially, but this usually subsides within a few hours.

Can I use Ameela products during pregnancy?

While Ameela products are generally safe, it’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare provider before using any new products during pregnancy.


What makes Ameela different from other skincare brands?

Ameela’s unique use of polynucleotides sets it apart. These molecules support deep cellular repair and regeneration in your skin, providing an effective, non-invasive solution that few other brands can match.

What happens when you inject Ameela into your skin?
  • Cellular Regeneration
  • Anti-Inflammation
  • Enhanced Hydration
  • Improved Microcirculation
  • Improved Skin Texture and Tone

Think Ameela could be the right treatment for you?

Contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sabika Karim and learn more about our bespoke Ameela treatments designed to rejuvenate and refine your features.

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