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Polynucleotides Treatments at Skin Medical

Discover Polynucleotides at the award-winning Skin Medical clinic in Northwood, London.

How do polynucleotides help to fight the signs of ageing?

Polynucleotides are composed of long chains of nucleotides, the fundamental units of DNA and RNA. These chains, whether extracted from salmon DNA or created synthetically, possess unique structural and functional properties that interact with various cellular receptors and modulate key signalling pathways. This makes them ideal candidates for all-round skin regeneration.

Polynucleotides treatments primarily promote collagen synthesis. Collagen plays a crucial role in maintaining the structural integrity and elasticity of the skin. As we age, the body’s production of collagen declines, leading to the formation of wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. By stimulating fibroblasts within the skin and enhancing collagen production, polynucleotides help restore firmness to the skin, resulting in a more youthful appearance.

Are there any other benefits?

Studies have shown polynucleotides to have anti-inflammatory effects. Inflammatory processes play a significant role in skin ageing and damage, contributing to the breakdown of collagen. By promoting tissue repair, polynucleotides help slow the signs of ageing and improve overall skin health. This anti-inflammatory action also makes polynucleotides particularly useful in the treatment of acne, rosacea, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

Polynucleotides also exhibit antioxidant activity. Oxidative stress is caused by imbalances between the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the body’s antioxidant defences and causes skin ageing and photo-damage. Polynucleotides help protect the skin from its environment and promote a more youthful complexion, by collecting free radicals and neutralising oxidative damage.

Are polynucleotides safe?

Polynucleotide therapy is generally considered safe when administered by trained professionals. However, as with any medical procedure, there is a possibility of adverse effects, albeit minimal. Patients are encouraged to consult with qualified practitioners to assess suitability and discuss potential risks.

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How are polynucleotides used in aesthetic medicine?

As well as for facial rejuvenation, polynucleotides are effective for hair restoration, body contouring, and scar treatments. 

In hair restoration, polynucleotides promote the growth and breadth of dermal papilla cells and improve blood circulation to the scalp, resulting in thicker, healthier hair. 

For body contouring, polynucleotides help to remodel tissues, leading to smoother, more sculpted contours. 

In scar treatments, polynucleotides regulate fibroblast activity and collagen synthesis, helping to soften and refine the appearance of scars.

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Polynucleotides Frequently asked questions

Still have questions? Contact our team who will be happy to answer any queries or concerns.

What exactly are polynucleotides?

Polynucleotides are long chains of nucleotides, the building blocks of DNA and RNA. These chains possess unique properties that interact with cellular receptors, modulating essential signalling pathways and offering benefits in skin rejuvenation and other aesthetic applications.

What are polynucleotides made from?

Polynucleotides can be derived from various sources, including salmon DNA, or synthesised in a laboratory. Regardless of their origin, they retain the structural and functional properties necessary for their therapeutic effects.

Do polynucleotides injections work?

Polynucleotide injections have shown efficacy in promoting collagen synthesis, tissue repair, and overall skin health. Results may vary among individuals, but many patients experience noticeable improvements in skin quality and appearance over time with consistent treatment.

Can you have polynucleotides if you are allergic to fish?

Individuals with fish allergies should exercise caution when considering polynucleotide therapy, particularly if derived from salmon DNA. Alternative sources or synthesised polynucleotides may be preferable for those with known allergies.

At what age should I get polynucleotides injections?

There is no specific age requirement for polynucleotide therapy, as suitability depends on individual skin concerns and treatment goals. Consultation with a qualified practitioner can help determine the most appropriate timing for treatment.

How long do polynucleotides take to work?

Polynucleotide therapy yields gradual results, with timelines varying based on individual response and the treated area. While some patients may notice improvements within a few weeks, optimal outcomes typically develop over time with consistent treatment.

Where can I get polynucleotides?

Polynucleotide therapy is offered by qualified healthcare providers, including dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and aesthetic practitioners. Patients should seek treatment from reputable professionals experienced in administering injectable therapies.

How much do polynucleotides cost?

The cost of polynucleotide therapy can vary depending on factors such as treatment area, the extent of the procedure, and geographic location. Speak to the team to learn more. 

Does polynucleotide treatment hurt?

Polynucleotide treatment is not usually painful, with minimal discomfort reported by most patients. Topical anaesthetics or numbing agents may be applied to enhance comfort during the procedure.

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